About Us

IFB Solutions is the largest employer of people who are blind or vision impaired in the United States. We provide jobs, training and services for people who are blind, with three manufacturing plants and dozens of employees working in locations across the country. The revenues from our manufacturing and customer service customers fund our Community Low Vision Centers and other programs.

A nonprofit organization, our vision is to be America’s leader in building life-changing opportunities for people who are blind. Part of that vision is the creation of Community Low Vision Centers. We have CLVC centers in Winston-Salem and Asheville, NC.

Our approach is to make simple tasks simpler for those with vision impairments. Using technology and free training, we help people accomplish all kinds of tasks, from household chores to communicating via phones and computers and everything in between. The final objective is to help put independence within reach.

Resources available in our centers include:
• Computer software and hardware
• Telephones
• Talking products
• Reading aids
• Hand-held magnifiers
• Video magnifiers
• Specialty lamps
• Clocks and watches
• Kitchen aids
• Optical aid recycling

These are only some of the aids we offer. People with low vision receive free training on all these devices, and visits to our center are free. Many of our employees take advantage of training opportunities, which allows them to keep or get jobs once only available to sighted people.

The Focus on Literacy program offered through our CLVCs provides low vision evaluations and in-home equipment free of charge to children. We count on donations and grants to help fund this program—you can help a child with low vision improve core literacy skills by donating now.

Another innovative program we offer is Recycle for Sight. People donate used low vision equipment to people with vision impairments. Through this effort hundreds of people have become more independent.